Taylor's Environmental Janitorial Services, Inc.

Floor Cleaning Services For Home And Business Use, Stripping And Waxing Included

Floor Cleaning Services For Home And Business Use, Stripping And Waxing Included

Floors speak a whole lot about a house or a business since it is a basic part of any structure. Additionally, because buildings and homes usually have a theme, floors generally compliment the look and feel of its surroundings.

Different floors have different application methods so when the need for restoration comes, it will require different cleaning techniques and solutions. As providers of services on floor stripping and waxing in Virginia, we highly recommended that the floor type be used with the right floor finish stripper to prevent any damage to your floors. For specifics, you can get in touch with us to give you expert advice on the cleaning and restoration method ideal for your floors.

Here are the different places our Cleaning Services in Richmond Virginia have worked on:

  • Restaurants And Hotels
    Floor finishes and waxes add a great deal of traction, therefore making it a safe surface coating for your customers walking in and out of your premises. The acrylic polymer component in the finish is made up of plastic particles, which makes the finish more durable toward heavy foot traffic and other scuffings once it has been completely dried out. The more solid particles there are in the finish, the more durable it is. A thorough floor buffing service can help in the application of the floor finish since it smoothens out the floor’s surface.
  • Hospitals And Schools
    Since a lot of people come and go in these buildings, immediate floor cleaning may not be physically possible. Floor waxing and floor polishing can help keep these floor surfaces looking shiny and new for a longer period of time; plus the added protection keeps vinyl tiles from getting easily worn out from the heavy foot traffic.
  • Homes
    Along with stripping and waxing services for hardwood or marble floors, our services on carpet cleaning in Virginia can assist any home makeover to ensure the aesthetics and cleanliness of your soon-to-be remodeled space. It is a good idea to have your rugs steamed or washed and your carpets deep cleaned to keep allergens out of your new room project since they can cause respiratory problems.

No matter the surface, we will be able to help you out with your floor needs. We only operate with eco-friendly solutions to keep the cleaning process safe for you and our team.

Not sure which floor stripper to use on your floors? Call Taylor’s Environmental Janitorial Services, Inc. at 804-543-9473 and get a free quotation on your needed services.

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