Taylor's Environmental Janitorial Services, Inc.

Tag Archives: Professional Cleaning

How a Clean Home Will Unexpectedly Benefit the Homeowners

Have you noticed that every time you finished cleaning, you feel rejuvenated, fresh, and accomplished? It turns out you are not the only one who feels so. Many homeowners exhibit that positive feeling whenever we delivered our Cleaning Services in Richmond Virginia. And it turns out we also felt that same feeling after successfully performing … Continue reading

6 Reasons Why You Should Clean that Carpet

Why do you have that carpet on your floor? Is it because of the aesthetic factor it gives to your room? Is it because of the safety cushion it gives to the family especially the kids? Is it because of that fluffy feeling whenever you stand on it? No matter what your reasons are, we … Continue reading

Cleaning Services 101: Stripping and Waxing the Floor

Being a business owner or a home owner does not simply mean telling people who the boss is. It also means you need to take responsibility over your property and your business. One of the many responsibilities of an owner is maintaining and cleaning their place. A building needs to be maintained in order for … Continue reading

Clean Environments Lead to Better Moods

A dirty environment can have a large negative effect on your moods and on many other aspects of your health. The clutter, disorganization, and dirt can cause depression, making it hard to focus and adding to the stress you experience on a daily basis. This is why finding exceptional cleaning services in Richmond, Virginia such … Continue reading

How Can Janitorial Services Improve Workplace Safety?

When running a business, there are obviously many things going through your mind. However, it is important to keep the safety of the workplace in mind. Creating a safer environment will not only improve productivity but it can also prevent expensive injury compensation fees in the unlikely – but still possible chance of workplace accidents. … Continue reading

Fact: How the Three Types of Environment Affects Your Worker’s Productivity

Progressive companies make sure that their employees are satisfied with their assigned jobs. Does this describe your workplace? Backed up by data, can you confidently say that your employees are satisfied with their participation in the workplace? There are many factors why workers enjoy going to the office every day. The same can also be … Continue reading